Monday, October 13, 2008

Fuller Update

Hello! We've been kind of quiet lately, so we wanted to speak (write?) up... though not too much is happening, which is a welcome change! Rich got back from Idaho in August, and after our Burning Man trip he has settled back to work in LA. He really liked the umpiring, but not the travel. He has made some new umpire connections here and is working better leagues, but so far has decided to stay and hang out with me rather than travel all over the place. I got the awesome opportunity, thanks to Aunt Carol, of visiting him in Boise and videotaped him working the big leagues. It's on my list of things to do to edit the footage together... maybe Jonathan will help me at Christmas! :-)

In addition to my day job, I recently got certified by the American Fitness Association. I've been teaching a body sculpt class on Saturdays, which is fun and a challenge. As I get paid per student, I've been working hard to promote the class! I've also still been doing a lot of fire spinning, I performed for a couple hundred people last week and I have a paying Halloween gig, so it's going well (and I'm not burned!).

Spending time with MP & Mark on our vacation was a great reminder of how fabulous our family is. Rich and I are getting a long Christmas break, so we will hopefully see everyone (well, almost) and we're taking an east coast road trip to Asheville (Anne & N8!) and Charleston to see my Dad.  Can't wait!


MP Paris said...

Can't wait to spend time with you and Rich at Christmas. Extended family is very important.

Kate said...

Yippee! Updates are great! Congrats on your certification, girl!